About Us

Tails of the Hunt Outfitters has grown a reputation as the premier desination to hunt record book whietails in Southwestern Iowa and Northwestern Missouri.  Our passion for giant whitetails is evident to every hunter that visits Tails Of The Hunt Outfitters, and we strive to make your hunting dreams comeRead More


Just a short note to say what a great time I had turkey hunting with you guys. Wow, I was rather impressed with the number of mature toms you have out there and the fact that I could hunt two states for basically the price of one. How cool is that. Your guides were so nice to us and the food was outstanding, especially the way you mixed them up, like pizza night and the fish fry. And the deserts, OMG loved the deserts! I can’t remember when I have had  a better time turkey hunting, but I do know great turkey hunting when I see it, and I’ll see you all again this Spring.

Geoffrey Hemenway